Defence Residents Social Welfare Association (Regd.)

Tandoor outlet where Nan

We have initially started with only one Sasta Tandoor outlet where Nan is given only for Rs 10 & Salan Rs 50for the labour class working away from there homes . As the time passed, by the Grace of Allah

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Karachi & nearby villages of Sindh

Till now we have distributed more than 30,000 bags of ration to the deserving people of Karachi & Sindh. We are also supplying free Ration Packs in Ramzan to the deserving people.

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organized different medical camps

Since 2020 we have organized different medical camps in Karachi & in rural areas of Sindh to cater the needy people who can't afford the doctor's fee. As we know that ‘health is wealth’ so we provide best health medications free of cost.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-11-23 at 5.38.49 PM (1)
2 - Medical Camp
3 - Food to orphon
Sasta Tandoor
4 - Water for all
Water Wells
5 - Rashan distribution
Ration for needy people
6 - Warm cloth

We Change Your Life & World

Charity With Difference

About Us

We are a non-profitable organization, with a profitable purpose and our purpose is to spread smile, mitigate poverty and provide education


Our vision is to clear the vision of people and build a transparent bridge between the people and those who are in need.


Our mission is to serve those who are in need with the best possible way; our core purpose is to motivate the younger generation to take part

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We are working on a plan to educate poor

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deserving students and unemployed persons

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I.T. knowledge. We will be launching different

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courses so students can earn from other

Watch The Intro Video

DRSWA is a registered

Our Mission & Goals

engaged in resolving

DHA residents issues and charitable work at large. We started in Karachi in 2020 during Covid times. Our charity work includes free rations to people such as orphans, widows & deserving people. We also provide health, education & potable water by boring in the flood effected areas of interior Sindh.

DRSWA has installed many water wells in interior Sindh to supply clean drinking water to needy people. Recentlly we have completed 12 more water wells in interior Sindh with the blessing of our donors.

Kamran California, USA